Saturday, July 22, 2017

Catching up

So... since moving to Nevada what has happened ... ok... so we moved out here gained some pretty stellar friends... Becky continued with her band/flags for a year and then switched to cheer leading. She loved it !! Kayla graduated the 8th grade...was student of the year... moved up here and started volleyball and basketball and softball. Becky also did softball for 3 years. Becky graduated high school in 2016... We moved Kaylas best friend in to our house in August and they both graduated high school in May of this year. Becky is working at Eagle Valley Children's home... Vanessa is working at Taco Bell and Kayla is working at Dayton Valley Learning Center. Hailey will be starting her Junior year of high school at the end of August... (am I really old enough to have 3 high school graduates!?!)
Gilbert is still working at DPI... And I am fulfilling my lifelong dream of working as a 911 Dispatcher for Lyon County Sheriffs Department. I love my job... I love my kids... I love my husband.. OH WE BOUGHT A HOUSE... We chose our lot...and we chose our floor plan and we built a house. It's a cool little deal where I have a "granny" unit where my parents are living.
Diana got married... Micah moved to Carolina... And is now moving back to Utah sometime soonish.
We traded in the Yukon for a Suburban... traded the Suburban for a GMC Sierra... And went and got me a pretty little Nissan Altima... And then... this past February I was hit and totalled my car... so now I have a pretty Honda Accord :)

Brandie And Brodie

Brandi is out half shepard... half huskey we also have her brother Brodie. Good days for the most part. Until they howl or eat the only jalapeno pepper I was able to grow.. because then they ate the whole plant! Good times with these guys. We have had them for almost 3 years. They are still scared of everything including their shadows but I wouldn't trade them for the world!

What's been missing

So here is Kayla.and Vamessa...I think this was homecoming? Maybe court warming 2016...

I didn't do the camping trip!!! Clearlake CA

So apperently this has been left in my "draft" section for quite some time-  like I don't know- 5 years?!?! 7?? years?  :)
 So we took a family camping trip to Clearlake Ca... it was a long 4th of July weekend and we had such a blast!  We went through San Fransisco on the way home- so these are photos of the trip home.
We stopped to look at the bridge, and we went through downtown China this very large Mexican Caravan.... by family... I mean- it was us... and Ala and Steve and Alexis, JAzmine, and Isaiah , and Lupe, and Lalo...Lilly, David... Kelly, Joel and Julian, and Ismael, who brought Hope with him... we brought Rita with us.. Faustino was there... and a couple of his friends if I remember right-.

We did things like caught and cooked a huge pot of crawdads, (ewww gross if you ask me) and we watched the sun rise.. and the sun set! It was an amazing weekend as I remember!  I would love to do it again!!
Well for my comeback post, I would like to introduce my pups- Rudy Duty Dawg-.  We got him in December and to the best of our knowledge, he appears to be a cheweenie/min pin.  He is rambunctious and fun! He actually went back to Paso with us, when we went back around Christmas time.
We beleive as of this time, he is probably just over a year old.  He has an amazing personality and fits quite well in to the family.!