Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Follow up to summer...

OK, I just uploaded a ton of pictures, (from facebook, as I document just about everything there) but this may give me an opputuntity to give some story... (please forgive me if some of them are repeats from the last post)

This here, is Lilianna. For those that know Gilberts family, this is Lupe's oldest... well... first... well... this is the big sister of a little bun in the oven! Yes, I'm gonna be a Tia again, and Lilliana will have a sibling, we are all VERY excited! At any rate, Lilliana is about 18 months now, and this is how you get her to smile... you ask to see her teeth! Shes just so stinking cute with those big brown eyes! I can't get enough of her!

Pancake art! One of our favorite pass times these last few months...
These are the mustaches and the smilie face.. I do the kids names, and flowers, mickey mouse.. stars... hearts... arrows.. any simple drawing can be done in pancake art.. and since I am not much of an artist... Its only simple images... The kids enjoy it, we have some good laughs... and lots of flops... good thing they are edible... even if they don't "look good"...

Beck is the bravest... we showed up and Tio Faustino and Tio David were BBQing oysters.. Beck was the only kid of mine to try it... and she ate 3... had to have the full experience... one plain, one with lime and one with lime and hot sauce... Shes a trooper!

One of the great t-shirts I found at the fair! Dad liked it so much that he sent me back the next day to purchase it! And those that know the San Miguel Fire Department... theres LOTS of old guys!

This JUST happened... Last Thursday, so Aug4th. We went out to Larry and Kathy's to help Larry split some wood. Hailey sat under the tree playing games on my ipod, While mom, dad Larry, and I ( and after Gilbert got off work, Gilbert too) went off to splitting and stacking wood... The men left, and as Mom and I were walking to the car, Hailey in tow... she slipped on a sharp rock and down she went... I thought things were alright, until she rolled over... I had other plans that night, so I got on the phone to dad, who promptly came and picked her up.. and after an hour in the ER away she came with 6 stiches and fun story to tell...

On to Sunday night... August 7th... this is what we see over the back fence!!" OH MY MOM-DAD the Mill is on FIRE!!!"

SO we sat out back, watching the fire trucks show up and all of a sudden, no more smoke..

:( No the mill wasn't on fire... :( much to my sick enjoyment of watching things burn... I was REALLY hoping for some fun flame shots... it ended up being a small field accross the street... and not the mill... no fun for us!

JOEL! My stinking adorable nephew turned 1!! He was so excited... he fell asleep shortly after the cake was cut...he didn't even get to open his presents :( But we had a great bbq, the kids swam,jumped in the bounce house, and on the trampoline...Ya know.. all the normal things of a Celedon Family Party!

I do think this might be a repeat of an earlier post.. the one where we went Camping... I will have to add a camping post, if when I am done with this, and I go back and check and see that I didn't post about the camping trip cause that was an AMAZING fun family trip. At any rate, we came through San Fransisco... so we stopped...to take the ever famous tourist picture...me and Gilbert in San Fran

Well before we went camping... we lost the cat, or so we thought... But ever since he came

home...Renny and Cheyne can't get enough of each other.. they are besties! :)

Yeah... We don't dial 911...

A fun sign we saw at the fair....

This was just today.. Hailey hijacked SOMEONES shades... and she just t hinks shes all that and a bag of chips...

We have these things EVERYWHERE!!! They are huge.. and loud.. and they come in the house... and ugh!

Here are some things I have learned from my kids this summer!

"Rawr means I love you in Dinosaur"

"Unicorns eat rainbows and poop butterflies sneeze skittle and fart jelly beans..."

"We got jipped like peanut butter!" ( what that means.. beyond me but it makes me laugh!)

" Eat those cheeze its!" (another one.. not sure what it means but ... whatever!)

Gilbert can now sign "You go girl" in ASL

Another WAY cool sign I saw at the fair... it made me laugh and I had to send it to Gilbert while he was away!

And the last of the "facebook" update photos.. Thompson Square.. they were amazing... I love them... they were at the fair with Jason Aldeen... and honestly... I love Thompson Square more that Jason... so ... there you have it! An update of the last month and a half... I will now go check if we did a camping post!

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